Art & Craft - EYFS/Early Years activities, Displays and ideas
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Mark making and art and craft experiences are fundamental to early years development.
There are so many different forms of artistic expression through mark making. Forms such as finger-painting, making marks in shaving foam and mud pies can get rather messy whilst experimenting with media textures such as pencils, crayons, chalks are just as expressive if a little tamer. Some children thrive on messy play and seek out different textural experiences, whereas others may find some sensory stimulation too overwhelming. Giving children some freedom to explore different materials not only allows for the development of self expression and communication but it enables them to explore what works for them as individuals. Allowing children to experiment with and immerse themselves in any kind of creative expression supports their development of imagination, their ability to express their own ideas and emotions and can aid the development of social skills. It also gives them a vehicle for making sense of the world around them and the freedom to experiment and try things out. This also leads to the development of gross and fine motor control, starting with larger motions which gradually become more refined. This then becomes a precursor to writing.
EYFS Statutory Framework:
“The development of children’s artistic and cultural awareness supports their imagination and creativity. It is important that children have regular opportunities to engage with the arts, enabling them to explore and play with a wide range of media and materials. The quality and variety of what children see, hear and participate in is crucial for developing their understanding, self-expression, vocabulary and ability to communicate through the arts. The frequency, repetition and depth of their experiences are fundamental to their progress in interpreting and appreciating what they hear, respond to and observe.” Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage, page 10
‘Art & Craft’ RESOURCES…
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Artistic Mark Making - What does it look like in practice? A few ideas
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Artistic Mark Making - What does it look like in practice?
Here are a few ideas:
Making marks with fingers, sticks or other items in sand or foam in a tuff spot
Using tick sheets to mark what has been found on scavenger hunts
Mud kitchen play
Chalk on a chalkboard or outdoor area pavement, etc.
Using natural materials such as leaves, cones or shells for printing or collage work
Printing with food items such as carrots or pasta
Water painting on outdoor area surfaces
Making impressions e.g. with wheels or small world dinosaurs in malleable materials such as playdough, damp sand or mud
Using role play to inspire mark making, e.g drawing items on a shopping list or an image of an alien that has just been seen through a space craft window
Mark Making Game/Activity: In addition to using the following two resource packs separately as inspiration for mark making activities and displays, you may like to use them in conjunction with each other as a game. Children could select a card from each pack to determine their activity challenge e.g. to create an image of a minibeast of their choice using sand!
Please note that within the media pack there are 13 cards and in the topic pack 40 cards are included. Have fun!
Relevant pages which may help with the application of above ideas and more: ‘Mark Making, Drawing and Writing’, ‘Outdoor Area Mark Making’, ‘Checklists/Scavenger Hunts/Tally Charts’ and ‘Role-Play Area’
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