Welcome to YOUR ‘CHILDMINDER’ Page

Find resources specifically designed for you and the children in your care in both EDITABLE docx file and non-editable pdf file formats.


Use the following quick text links or scroll down to browse all pages and resources selected for you



- Special Dates Calendars for the entire year!


Time relevant pages and resources (for childminders)

Themes (More themes HERE.)

March Special Dates (More Special Dates HERE.)

Spring/Summer Get Organised pages (More ‘Get Organised’ pages HERE.)

Outdoor Area


Key Year Round pages and resources for Childminders…

Year Round CORE Themes (More themes HERE.)

CORE Childminder Get Organised pages (More ‘Get Organised’ pages HERE.)

SCHOOL Holiday Topics (Ideal to entertain a wide range of ages)

Open over the school holidays? Perhaps you have children of various ages…both Early Years and Primary?…Here are a few topics we have selected which may help to keep a wide range of ages entertained…

(Click thumbnail buttons below to visit pages)


Plan for April

April Special Dates (More Special Dates HERE.)


CLICK HERE to view resources planned during the coming year.

We’d love to hear what you think is important! MORE RESOURCES CONTINUALLY BEING ADDED! Have a great idea?…Suggest a resource! 😊


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