Find links to our COVID-19 related resources on this page in both EDITABLE docx file and non-editable pdf file formats…
Included on this page:
Summer Catch Up Activity Ideas (aimed at children who have missed time in Reception before entering Year 1 and childcare/preschool before entering School)
Role-Play Packs (with social distancing signs included to represent ‘real life’)
Hygiene - Wash Your Hands/Catch it, Bin it, Kill it
Social Distancing - Signs/Posters/Labels/Floor Mats
Summer Catch Up
Are you a Parent or Setting open over the School holidays?…
Role-Play Packs
Social Distancing
With regard to all of our ‘Social Distancing’ resources, we are by no means suggesting that this is what should be done with your particular group of children, but we have created a set of resources of which some you may find useful to aid elements of social distancing in your particular set up. Equally, as advised measures change or are adapted, you may want to dip in and out of these resources which may be relevant at times but not at others.
Floor/Seating Mats
(Most of these mats are part of sets.) There are various sizes of mats/labels for different purposes within your setting. You may like to assign a minibeast, dinosaur or animal to each child within your group/bubble. They then know that whenever they see that minibeast it is something of theirs e.g. place to sit, stand, peg to hang their possessions, box for their things, etc.
Here are 2 possible uses for the floor mats below… (Please obviously carry out your own risk assessments and consider health and safety implications for the children within your setting when deciding how to use our resources):
LINING UP - They could be adhered to the floor and placed a suitable distance apart from each other starting at the door. Children know that they have a particular one that they start on (or are told to go to a particular one) and as the person in front moves forward to the next floor mat, they may then also move forwards to the next one.
SEATING MATS - Children could be assigned a particular minibeast, dinosaur or animal that they know to sit on. This could be a floor mat or a seating place at a table.
Name Labels - Medium & Peg Sized (cut & Stick)
(Most of these labels are part of sets.) There are various sizes of mats/labels for different purposes within your setting. You may like to assign a minibeast, dinosaur or animal to each child within your group/bubble. They then know that whenever they see that minibeast it is something of theirs e.g. place to sit, stand, peg to hang their possessions, box for their things, etc.
The cut and stick medium sized labels are intended to be adhered to boxes, trays etc. in which children can put their personal belongings. Type children’s names into the editable docx file before printing or alternatively print the pdf file and write names in after printing.
Cut and stick peg sized labels are intended to show which hook/peg in a cloakroom is theirs. Can also be used to label other small resources, boxes, etc. as for use by a particular child. Type children’s names into the editable docx file before printing or alternatively print the pdf file and write names in after printing.
Some of these are intended for use with the children and others have parents/carers/visitors as their intended audience.
Group your children by key worker/age/room/bubble for your classroom/setting organisation, planning, outings, displays, etc. EDITABLE docx or blank text box pdf files available so easily change headings for your purpose!
We hope these resources help, x