Date of awareness Day: 14th - 21st FebrUARY 2025

National Nestbox Week

National Nestbox Week aims to encourage the placing of nestboxes in gardens to help small birds. As gardens get neater and tidier there are less places for birds to find natural homes. This week is a great excuse for some more bird-themed learning for the children and teaching them to think about the local wildlife around them.


On this page we have compiled all of the resources from our website (‘Little Owls-Premium’) which you may find useful when engaging your EARLY YEARS children in learning about taking care of small birds and wildlife and how nestboxes can help.

If you are not a member already, become a ‘Free Access’ member here. This will give you access to resources within the ‘Free Sample Resources’ sections at the top of most pages and ‘Special Dates Calendars’. Some whole topics are even free! Find out more about all of our membership options here. If you are already a member… thank-you! x

Please note that both Editable (docx file) and non-editable (pdf file) versions are available for the following resources. (Editable files require Microsoft Word to work at optimum level and Non-Editable files require a pdf viewer.)


If you would like to develop your children’s understanding of birds beyond those in UK Gardens, please visit our new ‘Birds’ page! Have fun!


(Click on the images below to find out more)


‘UK Garden Birds’…

(Click on the thumbnail images below for further details.)


‘Birds’ resources in ‘FOREST SCHOOL’…

(Click on the thumbnail images below for further details.)


‘Birds’ resources in ‘Winter’…

(Click on the thumbnail images below for further details.)



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